Can you make a request to the DVLA about a vehicle or registered keeper?

Yes, you can but only if you have ‘reasonable cause’. You can make a request to the DVLA for information by completing the appropriate form and applying by post

Examples of ‘reasonable cause’ include:-

  • finding out who was responsible for an accident
  • tracing the registered keeper of an abandoned vehicle
  • tracing the registered keeper of a vehicle parked on private land
  • giving out parking tickets
  • giving out trespass charge notices
  • tracing people responsible for driving off without paying for goods and services
  • tracing people suspected of insurance fraud

Where reasonable cause has been demonstrated, information is disclosed on the condition that it will only be used for the requested purpose and that the recipient will protect its confidentiality. It is an offence under the DataProtection Act 2018, to obtain information under false pretence or to use itfor a purpose other than that originally stated.

If you ever feel the need to check your own driving licence details theDVLA is holding, you can do that online. Click here for the link to the website. You will need your driving licence and national insurance numbersand the postcode on your driving licence. You can view a list of your driving bans, penalty points and disqualifications. It’s free.

Private car parking management companies that give out parking tickets or trespass charge notices. They can only request information from the DVLA if they’re members of the British Parking Association or the International Parking Community. You can download further information on requesting information from DVLA.